Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Allie & Cooper McNab

Over the past weeks the Holy Spirit has been at work in my heart, encouraging me, giving me ideas, and just deepening my passion to learn, experiment, and to glorify Him through this precious art. The day I received a phone call from Shanda McNab, I was filled with Joy. I love photographing children, and she called wanting to hire me to photograph her sweet daughter Allie(4) and her son Cooper (1). As I started to pray and think about her session the Lord stirred this excitement in my soul- I knew this session was going to be special, and it was. The moment I met Shanda and her children, I knew that working with them would be fun and easy. Cooper was as happy as can be, and precious Allie laughing or crying radiated with Christ's love. You can learn so much from children and the JOY they find in the simple things - like going to "camp gigi". Their laughter is such a sweet sound, their smile is contagious, and their pure & loving hearts are inspiring. Enjoy these images of Allie and Cooper, and thank you Shanda for allowing me to photograph your sweet babies. 

1 comment:

  1. These are super cute...I love the blue eyes...
